Hi again

It’s been a minute. And boy has a lot happened since my last entry. Where to begin, I was featured in Architectural Digest, bought a home, formally launched a business, started accepting design clients, and shared more of my DIYs on TikTok. Do you want the long story? Keep reading . I’ll write a separate entry on all that I mentioned, but for now, I want to reacclimatize myself to this digital space. It’s a space for open thoughts. One sided conversation between me and you, dear reader. Please be patient with me as I organize my thoughts, my visions, my ideas. I’m learning how to prioritize, photograph, and translate my busting ideas into digestable visuals. Though this is all new and scary, I’m excited and eager to find out what this can mean. If anything, it’s an online diary to track my progress and learnings.




Doubling My Closet Space