I moved!

Is there anything more exciting than a new blank apartment? It’s a white box void of your personality or memories. Once you receive the keys for that apartment, you accept the responsibility to care for the apartment, to maintain its utilities and cleanliness. In my head, when I got the keys to Apartment 3, I could barely contain my excitement. In addition to the responsibility, I was given the opportunity. This new apartment is a new chance to express my personality, make new memories, host friendly gatherings, and watch myself grow. While I’m too old now to mark notches on the door frame to track my growth, I still want to track my progress and growth. This blog is my outlet to do so. Welcome to my safe space, my dwelling, my lived-out daydream! I hope you are as excited as I am to start giving this new blank apartment a reason to be called home. Take a sneak peak below!


Doubling My Closet Space